
hottest news!!!

Do you remember that yesterday I mentioned about e-books or paper-less society?
I've just found this article.
It is said that a monthly magazine 'U.S. News & World Report' will not be published and sift to only digital device in January, 2011.
This magazine publishes America's Best College Report once a year.
I was surprised at this article because we had just listened to the presentation about this issue and we discussed today.
This article said the shift is against the fall in sales, but I think it can contribute to the environment.

The paper-less society doesn't mean that we can't use paper.
It means that we have to reduce as much paper as possible, such as coffee cups, paper bags and tickets.
Think about trees when we use paper, and it becomes impossible for us to use a lot of paper.


steps: 4342
breakfast: bread
lunch: left over
dinner: a lot of Chinese food(I went to a Chinese restaurant with my Taiwanese and Chinese friends.)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog on paper-less society aroused mixed feelings in me. I totally agree with you in that we must stop wasting paper. But at the same time I'm a bit worried that shifting publications to degital device might broaden the information gap between developing countries and developed ones.
