Yesterday in the advertising class we had a discussing time about the ads we chose for HW.
I talked with 3 classmates, 2 American and 1 Japanese.
While one American girl talked about her ad, she never saw us.
She just talked to one American guy.
In addition, while I explained my ad, she was talking with guy in the other group.
I was annoyed at that time.
However now I think that I am lucky because she implied that my English is poor.
She told me.
I want to get back on her during this quarter!!!
brunch: baked sliced potato with cheese
dinner: pizza/salad (Today my host mom held her granddaughter's 13th B-day party!!!)
You must not feel small in the presence of Americans. Since you're a non-native speaker of English, it's quite natural that your English is not as good as a native speaker's. That American girl is rude and arrogant. Americans tend to be such because their mother tongue "happens to" be an "international language." Our English doesn't have to sound like native, as long as we can make ourselves expressed clearly. Hang in there, Ayumi!