Today I went to Ryuichi Sakamoto's concert in Seattle.
I am not familiar with him at all but it was quite wonderful time for me.
The last tune moved me to tears but I don't know the title...
So I wanna buy a new album!!!
Actually I am listening to his tunes on the YouTube to write blog:)
And yesterday I enjoyed Halloween Party!!!
I dressed up as a Squeeze Toy Aliens. (In Japan it is called 'a Little Green Men'.)
I got some reputation as cute because mine was different from other girls' costume.
I really really enjoyed those time.
I wanna hold Halloween Party when I go back Japan:)
If you wanna see my costume, would you mind sending me a email?
[The day before yesterday's]
breakfast: cereal with low fat milk
lunch: I forgot what I ate...but exactly I brought lunch.
dinner: french toast/ham
steps: 11111
breakfast: french toast
lunch: vegetable soup(I bought at cafeteria in my school.)
dinner: hotdog (@party)
steps: 15403
brunch: pancakes with blueberry
dinner: fried rice(@Thai restaurant in Seattle)
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